
Thursday, August 27, 2020

Eye art

 My picture represents my future. It is me holding one of my future shoe designs because I want to be a shoe/fashion designer when I grow up. In the future I hope to create one of the most popular brands in the world. I intend on selling everything you may need in an everyday fashion which is why I am in the city in front of tall buildings.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

the three brothers and the polar bear

 This is my illustration for the storytelling story  my drawing shows the evil polar bear smelling rich blood in the air click the link to see it.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

The three brothers and the polar bear story map


This is my story map it describes what happens in the story. I think the third brother is responsible for there deaths because he was the one who brought the polar bear to life.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The magic globe


Once apon a time in a dark basement there were two kids who found a globe, they took it out of the box and onto the table the decided to experiment on this globe. They turned the globe to  Australia and double tapped on it and they teleported to what looked like Australia. They realized that this was no ordinary globe this was a magic globe that could teleport them anywhere around the world. They decided to stay in Australia for a little bit and then they returned home. They decided to use this globe as a world tracker to track the changes around the world. A couple of weeks later the globe wouldn't work they tried and tried but it wouldn't teleport them. They gave up trying to get it to work they threw it out the window and then the globe started fading into a black dust they first thought it was because of the impact but it sucked up the two kids and they haven't returned since and this was about 35 years ago. And Then they returned but they seemed different...

Monday, August 3, 2020

My profile web page

This is my profile web page it describes me as a person and what I enjoy most in life this is the link to it.